Commercial Assistance Towing Endorsement
This FOUR-Hour class to obtain a Commercial Assistance Towing Endorsement on your OUPV or Master's license covers the navigation rules specific to small commercial assistance towing vessels such as Sea Tow or Tow Boats US. Terminology, general concepts of towing and salvage, and towing agreements are all covered.
​Classes are limited to 14 students.
Cost: $300 per student
Commercial Assistance Towing Endorsement
The Commercial Assistance Towing Endorsement is a four-hour USCG-approved course for a mariner holding any license.
This license is strictly for assisting disabled vessels.
There are no additional sea time or service requirements for a commercial assistance towing endorsement.
(TH) Dec 5/24
9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Sec. T02-25
Enero 30-25
9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Sec. T03-25
Febrero 21/25
9:00 am - 12:00 noon
To register for the 2025 courses, please call or text 410-829-0351.
(Hablamos Español)
Auxilary Sailing Endorsment
This four-hour class to obtain a Sailing Endorsement on your Master's license covers the navigation rules specific to sailing vessels as well as sailing terminology and general sailing concepts. This class will not teach you how to sail.
The USCG requires that a Master inland must have at least 180 days of sailing experience in their life for a sailing endorsement, and a Master near coastal needs at least 360 days of sailing experience to qualify for this endorsement.
Sail class typically happens after the TOWING course in the afternoon.
Classes are limited to 16 students.
Cost: $300 per student.
Section 001V/25
TH Dec 5/2024 @1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Sec. S02/25
Enero 30/25 @1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Sec S03/25
Febrero 21/25 @1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
To register for the 2024 courses, please call or text 410-829-0351.
(Hablamos Español)
Sec. 002PA-24
Fr. Dec 6/2024 @ 9 am-5 pm
Cost: $200. ​
Sec CPR 02/25
Enero 31/25 @ 9 am-5 pm
To register for the 2024 courses, please call or text 410-829-0351.
(Hablamos Español)